Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Khyber Kiboshes Komix Jam

So, for those of you that don't know; earlier tonite (an hour and a half before the Jam,) the administrator of the Khyber Arts Centre (Brian MacNevin director@khyberarts.ns.ca ) informed me that not only did he not know about the Khyber Komix Jam, but that we would no longer be allowed to hold our jam sessions at the establishment whose name our publication bears. Well, luckily The Granite Brewery was nice enough to serve as a makeshift jammer refugee centre and jam session 9 was saved.
Effective immediately the Khyber Komix Jam is officially retitled The Halifax Comix Jam. I will change the blog address as soon as i secure a new jam space (hopefully one that isn't as poorly managed.)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Komix Jam nine and feelin' fine

Khyber Komix Jam session # 9 is on Tuesday the 10th same jam time, same jam space. Issue 8 was awesomely radical. It's probably the most colourful issue ever and as a result, I might (repeat; MIGHT,) print a special limited edition run featuring some of the colour pages, in addition to regular B&W issue.